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"HEART SEEING" mini-exhibition 2016

When there is an opportunity to share impressions and feelings with close people, then the heart is filled with happiness.
At the end of 2016, a dream was realized, a dream - to give a piece of the sky, a piece of the world which I live in and how I feel.

The first day - the opening day was exciting and at the same time it was calm and easy. Painting helps to relax, we can say that this is the element in which one feels the certainty and desire to live. "In Heaven I find consolation."

All the relatives and friends know about the hobby - to wake up early in the morning and turn the pedals towards dawn. On the aspiration - to see the first rays of the sun, and with a new day will plunge into a new sky, a new sky overhead, a new sky in the heart and on the canvas.

Always different and always - the sky. One desire - let everyone above his head and in life will only Peaceful Sky. We are born for heavenly journeys, everyday flights smoothly passing into space. Where can we find our star - and make a wish. One of that stars is the Sun, and therefore every day at dawn, when it rises, it is possible to think of more and more desires.

Reflection of ourselves in the world around us is sometimes quite imperceptible. In the hustle and bustle of everyday days, the desire to "Watch" eclipses the possibility of "Seeing".

Two hours passed like one moment. And only after a couple of days, after seeing the photos and reviews of those present - it was a feeling of joy and desire - to create new worlds again and again. After all, everything around inspires, and people, and the sky, reflected in their eyes.

"To name is to limit." - these words spun in my head at the presentation of paintings, because in fact I never tried to name them, most of tha pictures without name. And just before the arrival of the guests, the first thing that came to mind when looking at the picture - it became its name. Each time it is new, today the pictures are named in accordance with the sensations and feelings, in the rush of which were written. This is only a subjective interpretation of the state at the time of "Here and Now."
The great joy is to hear people's ideas and names, regarding their depth of the world and the perception of what they see.

"Sunrise is like the philosophy of life." The combination of the stellar picture of the world, the first rays of the sun and the smooth iridescent combination of these two worlds. When there is absolute faith in a new day and knowing that life does not seem to unfold, the Sun always, ALWAYS rises from behind the horizon and illuminates the day. And the moon reflects the light of that Sun inside us.

To See the uniqueness of today and to present this miracle to the world. On this day, everyone was able to find a piece of His Sky, to be alone with him, to share this state with close and new people.

The sky did not end on canvas, it continues to inspire everyone with its eternal presence in the moment of a new day and, of course, the "postcards from Heaven" found their master.

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