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I was born in Alushta, Crimea. At the intersection of two worlds - Heaven and Sea.
I started drawing at the age of 5. Every day, swiftly going to the local art school, forgetting about everything immersed in creativity. The elder brother also had to sign up, because there was no one for me to drive there. My parents worked all day.
My teachers-artists and just inspirers became Shevchuk A.T, Lendel V.V, Ustimenko V. They helped to touch the art, catch the moment and reflect the state, sensations and feelings on the canvas.

In 2012 I graduated from the general educational Alushta school, and eventually moved to Kiev, continuing studies at the KNUCA, the department of architecture (urbanplanning). The dream - to become an artist, had to wait a little. Parents with a desire - a fundamental education, persuaded me for a while - to combine art and drawings - and to connect life with architecture. Continuing to draw always and everywhere, I enjoyed the moment of life and its unpredictability.

Since 2014, I became interested in a genre in which only the sky will be written. I began to get carried away by the clouds, their form and variety. In pictures I aspire to convey both movement, and chaos, peace and pacification of the sky.
I am an artist who writes that state of joy that I feel, raising my eyes upwards. If with frants. Paysagiste (Paysage - landscape, Pays - country), it follows that Ciel is the sky, that Cielage is a new genre about the sky, and the artist will be Cielagiste. On the other hand, just simple Sky-painter.


"Today I choose the sky.
Believe in your flight, and the sky will never end! "
(January 2014)

When I draw, close my eyes, I do not need to see what color or brush to choose - I just listen to myself. The heart knows everything and this is the best indicator. In works I dip into the depth and uncertainty, I hide in the ringing silence of the clouds with the help of light transparent strokes and saturated voluminous "strokes" of the palette knife. I depict the sky and small details that can arise when looking up (most often - power lines that emphasize the perspective and planning).
In December 2016, a small individual exhibition was held. Some pictures can now be found in the vegan restaurant OnePlanet in Kiev. I continue to draw, study and observe the sky. I paint the walls on request. I spend painting lessons with children and adults. As an art coach, I help people find the desire to create and rejoice. Art therapy is the key to understanding yourself. Awareness that the ratio of colors and the image itself somehow affects the human psyche. Therefore I am learning to be more conscious in my actions, directions and thoughts when writing pictures and working with people.

I am grateful to my parents for their material, soulful  emotional well-being, for their support and faith.
I am grateful to my friends and relatives for help, smiles and hugs.
And of course grateful to Heaven that it is always there!
Wishing a peaceful sky to all people on the planet, every day I dive into new clouds and colors.

More than 5 years every day on a bike I go to meet the sun, most often I manage to make mini-trips in the summer, being home in Crimea, closer to the sea and the sky. The number of kilometers and dates with the sky is not calculated, since the ability to stay in the moment and watch is more important than numbers and rationality.
There are ideas about the creation of the project "Velo-sketch." The essence of this is the combination of bike tours and a planet. In the morning or evening, twist the pedals to meet the sun and in the subsequent instant to fix what they saw on paper, learn to feel the sun's rays on the canvas.

Since 2017, the sea has joined the sky. In recent works, I'm learning to find the boundary of the intersection of water with the horizon of the sky. I wonder when I'm writing waves, I have a feeling that I'm already swimming in them. Our whole life: people, studies, adventures, the sea, the mountains - all the waves, some are slower, and some again and again bring us closer to the sky. I think that everyone can add colors to their lives. We decide in what mood immerse our days.

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